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AutoWorld® is an integrated marketplace that brings together buyers and sellers from the automotive industry. Knowing its specifics, we have equipped it with probably the most precise and detailed auto-moto search engine on the market. The seller has the option to build an online store directly integrated with the portal, based on a multifunctional warehouse system supported by QR codes.

Of course, we have supplemented the system with support for the functioning of finances, sales, payments, purchases and shipments. Some of these systems are supported by an intuitive mobile application, friendly for both the buyer and the seller, which can easily manage the products in the store (based on barcodes and QR codes).

The system created by us for AutoWorld® is a full, multifunctional set of modules from which AW.pl customers can choose the ones that suit them best. All of them together and individually make it easier to run a business and attract new customers, significantly improving the work of the company, which incurs low costs.

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